AwarenessBehavioral Healthcare

Managing your mental health and wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic

IPC Admin | June 25, 2020

Your mental health and wellness are always important, but especially during times of a pandemic, there are life-style changes, social restrictions, and economic impacts that post additional challenges to your well-being. Think of these as different times rather than difficult times. We want to let you know that even during these uncertain and anxious times, we are here for you.

The human body’s normal response to a crisis is fear, worry, and stress.

These feelings can become overwhelming and lead to several symptoms such as:

  • Changes in sleep and appetite
  • Decreased sense of safety
  • Frequent irritability or mood swings
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Increased chances of substance abuse
  • Reduced productivity

These symptoms can lead to great unease in your daily life, even affecting the performance of simple day-to-day activities and maintaining interactions. We at IPC are here to provide you with guidance and counseling as you navigate through these different times. Here are five ways of managing your mental health during this time.

Stay Connected

Stay in touch with friends, family, and other pillars of support while maintaining social distancing. There are various tools online and on mobile devices such as video chats, messages, and calls to help keep in contact.

If you have a loved one who is in assisted living or a nursing home, consider virtual check-ins and maintain contact through calls or video chats. Keep in touch with the staff or nurses who monitor your loved one’s condition and their protocols during this time.

Limit Media Exposure

Sometimes the media coverage can be overwhelming. Instead, focus on positive stories and messages. Stay informed and up to date from reputable sources without over-exposing yourself to distressing news. Remember! The mantra is de-stress, not distress.

For family and social discussion on COVID-19, rely on official federal and state resources like

Speak to them in a way that they can understand the situation and assure them they are safe. Spread positivity, not panic!

Adapt Your Schedule

COVID-19 has changed our daily routine, life-style, and tasks as individuals and families. Establish a new routine and keep to it but remember to remain flexible to new occurrences. Every challenge gives rise to a new opportunity. This is a great time to establish new traditions with friends and family. For those with underlying conditions, maintain consistency by continuing your medications, refilling medicine, and restocking your medical supplies as needed.


By taking good care of yourself, you can significantly lower your levels of stress. Eating a well-balanced diet at each meal and remembering to get a good night’s rest are great ways to take care of yourself. Practicing meditation, deep breathing, going for walks, exercise, and yoga are all excellent avenues of stress relief.

Live Now

Live in the present and avoid stressing over the future or potential worries. Let go of things that are not within your control. Though we cannot control a crisis, we can take charge of things within our own life by practicing social distancing, avoiding unnecessary risks, and instead focus on things that can be controlled.

If you find yourself becoming stressed, remind yourself to focus on the positive and things that are within your control. Accept the situation and center yourself using relaxation and stress relief techniques such as deep breathing exercises or listening to music.

For more information on how to manage your mental health during the COVID-19 Pandemic, please contact us at (913) 557-0007.

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Integrated Psychiatric Consultants